Sybermoms Yarn Whores
Friday, March 10, 2006
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
The Podium
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is just incredible. This whole experience is king of mind-boggling, isn't it?
Be sure to pop over there and get your gold medal, and check out some of the links. There were some really amazing Olympic victories. This one in particular made me tear up a bit:
If you've read the book Yarn Harlot, then you probably know who Lene is. If not, go get the book. It's (IMNSHO) an absolute must-read for knitters.
Geesh, I'm gushing a bit, aren't I? Oh dear. I think I may have a new idol...
Monday, February 27, 2006
Remember the fable
of the Tortoise and the Hare? I am the hare of the Knitting Olympics. I had SIXTEEN WHOLE DAYS stretched out before me. Surely I had time to fix a few holes in the walls and ceiling? Surely I had time to knit a baby blanket for my daughter's friend? Surely my coveted Cinxia would sprout easily and quickly from my needles--how could I not make it in time?
Of course, I didn't count on holing up in my bed with pneumonia.
But then I didn't count on my son, spurring me to get back in the game in the very last hours.
I also didn't count on this...the small tangle of yarn--all that was left of my last ball. Just short of my last decrease row before the neck shaping and collar.
I don't know what time the torch was extinguished. I didn't see closing ceremonies. It was 1:00 this morning when I pried my stiff hands from the needles and officially conceded defeat.
Is it too much to hope for a skein or two of Elann's Peruvian Highland wool in Forest Glade Heather (color #0651) in the Yarn it Forward box?
Well, I didn't make it. :(
I spent two straight days sick from chemo, so I only got one sock and the ribbing of the next done. I really tried, but the chemo won, darnit. You guys did some amazing things! I'm really impressed. Way to go, Sybermoms!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
I finished on Saturday but was too lazy to post until now

Picture of the finished back and finished front.
The only difficulty was the zipper. The top felted kind of wonky, and so it was hard to tell how to get the zipper in there so that it worked. My mom showed me how to sew the first side, and I finished it. All in all it looks okay, and I'm happy that I could actually do it. It was a slight challenge to finish it during the time allotted, but I finished!
my finished cowl
i finished a few days ago actually, but i've been a lazy ass about getting the pictures off the camera.
and really, the pictures don't do it justice because it's really hard to photograph a moebius without a model. but it is absolutely gorgeous (imnsho) and i hope that kamic loves it. it can be worn as a head covering, or a scarf, and apparently it can also be worn around the waist (presumably a smallish waist, because it sure didn't fit around mine).

and like i said, it needs a model, so i convinced my 3 year old to wear it for about 10 seconds.

i didn't have enough yarn left over to make anything else, unfortunately. and i will concede now that this project was way too easy for an olympic endeavour. but i am very happy with the outcome regardless.
and i'll send out some very happy finishing thoughts for anyone still working on theirs :)
Mad dash?
What's that? I'm at the shoulders. I can finish this, no problem.
**insert :paranoia**
There's a story here but I'm too busy knitting.
**insert :crybaby**
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Okay Sybermoms, how goes it??
I am really, super amazed that I finished before the deadline and that I am not making a mad dash for the finish right now.
Soooooooo, how is it for everyone else, where are you with your projects??
p.s. dixie, keep plugging away!
Actually, I finished it last night. Here's the whole thing:
Here it is on from the front (sorry about the flash and please excuse the headlights...I'm still in my jammies.):
And here's a side view so you can sort of see the back.
I'm not sure I like the back. I wish it was wider. I'm swatching some crocheted lace edgings to add some length to the back.
Friday, February 24, 2006

I did it! And I am even finished a little early which is just absolutely shocking!!!
Here is the hat I made for kamic for the Official 2006 Knitting Olympics all knitted and felted and shaped and fuzzies trimmed off. :) My sons are modeling, the first and last are my five year old-previously giggling under the pre-felted hat, and the middle is my three year old who absolutely would not do anything but this pose lol. For some reason my fridge looks greenish in the pics, it's really white, but the hat colors are true.
I really, really hope kamic likes it and I cannot believe I finished and finished early. I am the Queen of Procrastination, seriously.
Had some setbacks
I had Jessica all blocked and finally dry yesterday, tried it on, and the sleeves were way too long :( I took them out, frogged 3 inches, and just finished re-sewing. I'll block again this morning and hopefully it'll be dry again by Sunday. If the sleeves are still too long, then I'm just screwed and won't have made it. Send good vibes this way.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
When you concentrate too much on your knitting....
This can happen *twitch*:

On the plus side, my 2 year old is artistic, my ends are woven in, and I only have 2 or 3 inches to go before I bind off. On the minus side, my shoulder already hurts from scrubbing, and I still have half of it to scrub off. Two year olds are really no help at scrubbing off crayon. No, of course they weren't washable crayons. *twitch*