Friday, February 10, 2006

I'm probably the only one who doesn't know...

But when do they start?! I haven't been paying attention, I tried to do a little searching last night. The only thing I saw was the Torino page that said OC would begin at 8 pm. 8 pm Torino time? probably, duh. It's 6 am now for me (Utah time), and it is 2 pm in Torino. So 12 pm? I sure hope so, because that's right about The Baby's naptime :D Anyways, I'm all ready and rearin' to go! I made a small sample of my sweater just so I could do the picot edging and slip stitch the seams, and I think it worked out okay. I do have to get a crochet hook that is the right size while I'm out making valentines with the baby, but other than that and waiting for yarn, I'm set. I can't believe I will be missing out on some knitting time Saturday though, I have a drop spindle class (yay!), that lasts 3 hours. *Commence nail biting*


At 5:49 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

The opening ceremonies will be broadcast at 8 pm eastern time tonight. I figured that is when I'll cast on! ;)

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Lauren said...

Are you sure? I just saw on the Crochet Olympics site that they are saying 2 pm Est.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger C to the A to the M to the O said...

I've been looing this answer up, too! Rule 4 at Yarn Harlot is:

4. No casting on before the flame is lit.

It doesn't say anything about Opening Ceremonies. ::shrug:: It seems the issue here is, are we showing a rebroadcast at 8 PM EST or are they actually lighting the torch at 8 PM EST? :lol:

At 8:20 AM, Blogger Lauren said...

Okay, so the torch will be lit during OC, right? The torino site never says Est. time or anything, just 8 pm.

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Spinsanity said...

I am positive I read on the KO site that we should all begin at 2PM our own time.

Off to double check...

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

I don't think I'll be ready to cast on at 2 pm, so I'll just stick with casting on when the opening ceremonies are broadcast this evening. :P

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Lauren said...

SHIT!! I just saw that at Yarn Harlot's. I'll probably be helping a grumpy kid wake up at 2 :( Oh well, after dinner I guess!


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