I don't know...
So I'm making good progress. I've got the top and bottom-front and back done and sewn together. I've got most of the top half of the sleeves done. The yarn came and it is the same color so, woot! So I try this thing on just now, and I'm not totally stoked like I was. This picture is worse than it actually is, but its not fantastic at any rate. (The left side's tension is loose but will be fine when I weave in all the ends). I really don't want to start over, I'm hoping that it is just fitting weird and will get better with washing/wearing. Am I kidding myself? I know the colors are out there too, but I do like that part.

Jeebus, you are a knitting FIEND!
And here I thought *I* was making good progress with my almost 9 inches, lol.
The top part looks like it fits wonderfully. Your...uh...boobahs look verah nice in that. :-D
Not sure about the bottom, looks a little loose? Maybe it's just the stripes making it appear that way.
I like it. And doesn't blocking fix most things? You are amazing. I think it would take a month to get that far on something.
I like it. It just looks like it needs to be blocked.
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