Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Podium


Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is just incredible. This whole experience is king of mind-boggling, isn't it?

Be sure to pop over there and get your gold medal, and check out some of the links. There were some really amazing Olympic victories. This one in particular made me tear up a bit:


If you've read the book Yarn Harlot, then you probably know who Lene is. If not, go get the book. It's (IMNSHO) an absolute must-read for knitters.

Geesh, I'm gushing a bit, aren't I? Oh dear. I think I may have a new idol...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Remember the fable

of the Tortoise and the Hare? I am the hare of the Knitting Olympics. I had SIXTEEN WHOLE DAYS stretched out before me. Surely I had time to fix a few holes in the walls and ceiling? Surely I had time to knit a baby blanket for my daughter's friend? Surely my coveted Cinxia would sprout easily and quickly from my needles--how could I not make it in time?

Of course, I didn't count on holing up in my bed with pneumonia.

But then I didn't count on my son, spurring me to get back in the game in the very last hours.

I also didn't count on this...the small tangle of yarn--all that was left of my last ball. Just short of my last decrease row before the neck shaping and collar.

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I don't know what time the torch was extinguished. I didn't see closing ceremonies. It was 1:00 this morning when I pried my stiff hands from the needles and officially conceded defeat.


Is it too much to hope for a skein or two of Elann's Peruvian Highland wool in Forest Glade Heather (color #0651) in the Yarn it Forward box?

Well, I didn't make it. :(

I spent two straight days sick from chemo, so I only got one sock and the ribbing of the next done. I really tried, but the chemo won, darnit. You guys did some amazing things! I'm really impressed. Way to go, Sybermoms!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I finished on Saturday but was too lazy to post until now

Picture of the finished back and finished front.

The only difficulty was the zipper. The top felted kind of wonky, and so it was hard to tell how to get the zipper in there so that it worked. My mom showed me how to sew the first side, and I finished it. All in all it looks okay, and I'm happy that I could actually do it. It was a slight challenge to finish it during the time allotted, but I finished!

my finished cowl

i finished a few days ago actually, but i've been a lazy ass about getting the pictures off the camera.

and really, the pictures don't do it justice because it's really hard to photograph a moebius without a model. but it is absolutely gorgeous (imnsho) and i hope that kamic loves it. it can be worn as a head covering, or a scarf, and apparently it can also be worn around the waist (presumably a smallish waist, because it sure didn't fit around mine).

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and like i said, it needs a model, so i convinced my 3 year old to wear it for about 10 seconds.

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i didn't have enough yarn left over to make anything else, unfortunately. and i will concede now that this project was way too easy for an olympic endeavour. but i am very happy with the outcome regardless.

and i'll send out some very happy finishing thoughts for anyone still working on theirs :)

Mad dash?

What's that? I'm at the shoulders. I can finish this, no problem.


**insert :paranoia**

There's a story here but I'm too busy knitting.

**insert :crybaby**

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Okay Sybermoms, how goes it??

I am really, super amazed that I finished before the deadline and that I am not making a mad dash for the finish right now.

Soooooooo, how is it for everyone else, where are you with your projects??

p.s. dixie, keep plugging away!

I did it!

I was challenged, but I made it through. The hat is an unofficial project I added on to my challenge, I dyed the roving, spun, the yarn, and then knit it! :D


Actually, I finished it last night. Here's the whole thing:

Here it is on from the front (sorry about the flash and please excuse the headlights...I'm still in my jammies.):

And here's a side view so you can sort of see the back.
I'm not sure I like the back. I wish it was wider. I'm swatching some crocheted lace edgings to add some length to the back.

Friday, February 24, 2006


I did it! And I am even finished a little early which is just absolutely shocking!!!

Here is the hat I made for kamic for the Official 2006 Knitting Olympics all knitted and felted and shaped and fuzzies trimmed off. :) My sons are modeling, the first and last are my five year old-previously giggling under the pre-felted hat, and the middle is my three year old who absolutely would not do anything but this pose lol. For some reason my fridge looks greenish in the pics, it's really white, but the hat colors are true.

I really, really hope kamic likes it and I cannot believe I finished and finished early. I am the Queen of Procrastination, seriously.

Had some setbacks

I had Jessica all blocked and finally dry yesterday, tried it on, and the sleeves were way too long :( I took them out, frogged 3 inches, and just finished re-sewing. I'll block again this morning and hopefully it'll be dry again by Sunday. If the sleeves are still too long, then I'm just screwed and won't have made it. Send good vibes this way.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

When you concentrate too much on your knitting....

This can happen *twitch*:

On the plus side, my 2 year old is artistic, my ends are woven in, and I only have 2 or 3 inches to go before I bind off. On the minus side, my shoulder already hurts from scrubbing, and I still have half of it to scrub off. Two year olds are really no help at scrubbing off crayon. No, of course they weren't washable crayons. *twitch*

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I am done KNITTING this hat!

Think it'll fit kamic? My five year old son is modeling for me, he is giggling like mad underneath it lol. It is just about finished felting, then blocking and drying and I am done!

More Progress, Wheeeee!

Knitting on the hour and a half trip to the concert was productive! I am really, really close to the end and have survived the decreases and everything. I switched to dpn's as it was getting very difficult to maneuver the circs. The nice thing about using the Denise needles was that I could take out extensions and make them smaller as I went. I haven't used dpn's often, but it's going okay so far.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I love big needles!


I am giving myself a break from dishcloths. I started several that bore absolutely no resemblance to the picture with the pattern, so I decided to do something completely different. If this turns out nicely, I will put it in the auction we're having when we do The Vagina Monologues.

I am rather proud of myself - this yarn is easy to goof up and I have managed to actually fix several stitches I goofed. Which tells me I'm starting to figure out how this knitting thing works, lol.

Figuring it out slowly...because I'm not sure *exactly* how I'm supposed to join this second ball. You can expect a post on SM shortly...

All Knitted and Ready to Felt

Knitting and sewing (save for the evile zipper) is done. Pre-felt picture of the back (1st picture) and front (2nd picture) , which are lovingly and patiently modeled by my DH.

So, it's time for felting, which I will not do until tomorrow night. Hopefully, I'll be posting the successful felting pictures by Thursday at the latest. Cross your fingers!

Knitting through illness

Well, like I posted in my blog, I'm trying to make an olympic comeback. My illness is in full flare, and I am on chemo again. So, I switched to a much easier pattern, and almost have one sock done. Yea! It's become a matter of principal for me now. I will get my socks done, all the while flipping my disease the bird. lol

Made some serious progress

I knitted a LOT yesterday. From opening ceremonies to Sunday, I'd only gotten 20 inches done, but yesterday I did 11 inches! Only eight inches to go before I do the second ruffle and bind off. I think I'll finish on time! Woo hoo!

Monday, February 20, 2006

How's your progress?

Hopefully faster than mine! Like AMG we had illness come through here, not much knitting getting done. The husband and I are going to see Coldplay tonight, WOOHOOO, I'm hoping to get a bunch done on the trip there and back.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

She's all knitted!

Okay, well she's mostly knitted. After much swearing and frogging, I've finally gotten all of the pieces/parts knitted. The only thing I have left that involves knitting needles is picking up stitches along the back of the neck and then binding them off. WOOT!!!! I spent most of yesterday working on the thing, and finally put it down around midnight - LOL! I had to try sewing one sleeve on twice, after ripping out half of the top of the sleeves as they were too long. Then I had to separate the top and bottom halves and resew, as it was too tight where the join was. I also still have to take out the ends I weaved in on the bottom half, as I completely fucked it up, and try to get it looking decent. And I have one more sleeve to go, did I mention this is my first set-in sleeve sweater?! So give me another 2-3 days, and I should be done!

Here's Jessica, she is looking mighty cute, if I do say so myself!

The Ugly Duckling

This duck is DONE!

And it really isn't very pretty :(

But, it is done. And now I'm going to go look for an easier pattern, LOL. Here I thought I was going to be done last week. The crud swept through our household, and I maybe managed a row here and there inbetween sneezing.

I really feel badly, mangling BOR's loverly pattern like I did....

Friday, February 17, 2006

And I'm off!

FINALLY woohooo! Here are some pics of the hat progress after sorting out all my troubles and mistakes. I made my first M1's and some pretty darn successful decreases. Wheeeee! The bottom picture also shows of one of my daughter's artwork. ;)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ok, we need more pictures.

Here is my shrug: 15 inches down, 25 to go.

Here is the single pulse warmer I've completed so far. It's supposed to be a "Mrs. Beaton" from the current issue of Knitty, but it doesn't have the second bell edging. We won't talk about that. We won't talk about the many hours of my life I spent trying to make a too-thick mohair yarn work for the top bell edging only to realize there was no way in hell there would be enough of it to make a pair. *twitch* Really. Let's just let it go.

Another update

Handles are done, as is one of the icords. One more icord to go and then the evile sewing together begins.

Has anyone here done the Letter have it bag? I think I remember someone doing them for Christmas or something. Please????

I need to know where you started sewing the damn thing together - do you start sewing the center panel to one side at the top and center the zipper opening? Did you start both sides at the same time? How did you finish it? What I mean is, if I've sewed one side on and am trying to sew the last part of the second side, how in hell do you get inside to see the stitches - do I just turn it inside out to finish?

Someone help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Welcome to our newest member

Ypsi! She has just started knitting and is joining our team as a late entry. :D

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Yet another post from me.

I guess I should've just started with the Denise needles, instead of waiting to use my Addi's as 152 stitches is a whole helluva lot on 24'' circs. Sooooooo, not only will this be my first knitted, felted hat, it will also be the first time I use the Denise needles! Wheeeee!

Off to a slow start

if I ever get started. *bites fingernails*

I have GOT to finish the purse that is currently on the needles I need so I can use them to get started. It's terrible. I am so close now though, should be be able to bind off on it tonight. My left arm/hand has been more numb lately and not wanting to cooperate but I will persevere!


**Apparently just being me is challenge enough. I have officially lost some of my yarn. How, you ask? Well, I have a lot of yarn. And a lot of stuff surrounding my desk/yarn area. And I am so good at putting yarn aside I have hidden it from myself.

I don't know...

So I'm making good progress. I've got the top and bottom-front and back done and sewn together. I've got most of the top half of the sleeves done. The yarn came and it is the same color so, woot! So I try this thing on just now, and I'm not totally stoked like I was. This picture is worse than it actually is, but its not fantastic at any rate. (The left side's tension is loose but will be fine when I weave in all the ends). I really don't want to start over, I'm hoping that it is just fitting weird and will get better with washing/wearing. Am I kidding myself? I know the colors are out there too, but I do like that part.

How did I get so lost?

I've been knitting away on a tank top for the last three days. Somehow I was only linked to the roll call and didn't realize you guys were posting. Big DUH moment. Anway, I'm on my way. I don't have much time to post right now, but just wanted to check in.

Purple duckie is well on its way

Yay! I'm doing BOR's purple duckie and it's going waaaaaay faster than the hearts did! Naturally, I had to stop at Joann's last night to get the purple yarn & bamboo needles. And I have discovered that I think the problem is not with my purls - it's with my knits. There is something wrong, but I haven't figured out exactly what yet. Sigh. I'm about 1/3 of the way done and will try to finish & post a pic tonight.

Just a little bit more . . .

I was tired last night, so I wasn't going to knit. Then I decided I would just knit one side of the zipper opening. And then I knit the other side. I thought, well, I'll just join them together and do a few rows and then quit.

Um, the center panel is finished. LOL

Handles tonight!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Almost half done.

Maybe? Okay, when I finish the top sleeves I'll be halfway done. I finally got through the slip stitch edging on the neck (it helps if you thoroughly read the pattern) and all I have to do is seam the shoulders and sleeves - the top half will be done!

I got my Leaf today, too! It is a blurry pic, but you can see the colors anyway.

I'm still waiting on two more balls of the Sangria, I totally wasn't thinking about dyelots, so I really hope that they are close. I'm doing the sleeves with two balls at the same time, so I run out at the same time, if the color is different on the other balls, at least it'll be in the same spots on the sleeves? Ugh, I hope its not bad.

I took most of last night off to do some plying of the yarn I spun up in the last two days, so I missed a lot of knitting time. Better make up for it tonight!

Progress So Far

I need to take pictures, but, alas, so far I have not. LOL

This weekend (beginning on Friday and as of last night at 11 p.m.) I knit the front panel, back panel and 38 1/2 inches of the center panel of the Letter Have It bag from the SnB Nation book. I'm hoping by Wednesday to have finished the center panel and started the handles.

I have to buy some 8" dpns to do the evile icord part.

I'm so freaking nervous about the sewing part it's not even funny. I dreamed that I couldn't get the zipper in and that I was mocked on SMs. *please don't let that happen* Thanks to Twin for her zipper sewing tips. I'm going to get some pins with my dpns. LOL

At this point, it looks like I will finish by Sunday the 26th. *fingers crossed*

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Progress at last!

I didn't have a lot of time to knit this weekend but I at least was able to catch up and pass where I was when I frogged. I had to knit, tink, knit, tink and knit the first row after the slip stitch trim. I thought I was screwing up the stitch count somehow. Turns out there's an error in the pattern. Duh.

I'm also not quite sure why it had me place markers in that row when I'm knitting straight until it measures 9.5 inches. *shrug*

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Finished one!

Well, I finished the first one. Yay! It's, um, not quite a "10" however...I was so worried about my purls being too loose that the middle got a little tight. I posted yesterday about being at the halfway mark - and I was, according to the pattern. But after I got through the end of the 2nd repetition, it seemed like if I knitted another 33 rows, per the pattern, I would have a rectangle. So I decided to finish it. Somewhere around row 36, I goofed something - I still don't have any idea what. So I pulled it out and got it back on the needles. That wasn't easy because I still have a hard time counting rows - I was pretty sure which row was goofed, but it took me forever to figure out which way to get it back on the needle. Which it shouldn't have, because of course there's only one way to put it back on but I can be dense sometimes...And somehow, I dropped a stitch on one edge, and did a YO to make up for it, and then I realized when I got to that place after I picked up knitting that a YO would leave a hole. At which point I decided that I was not about to pull it out again and that hole was a nice little eccentricity, lol.

At the end of day one

Here we are about 24 hours after cast on. I'm pleased with it so far. Now I just have to continue in that 1x1 rib for 36 more inches. *twitch* I did weave in ends on dh's sweater yesterday so I could probably have a couple more inches if I hadn't had to do that.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Making progress

In knitting, and spinning too! Update on my blog. I love seeing everyone's pics! Keep 'em coming!

I've cast on

Well, after much wavering, I am using the Lorna's Laces, and a stitch pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks. I got behind yesterday thanks to a nasty headache, but am back on track today. I've finished the top ribbing on the first sock, and will start in on the pattern stitch once the kiddos are in bed.

Halfway mark


I still don't know what I'm doing wrong on my purls - they are too loose, but I haven't been able to figure out why. I'm just happy that I can tell there are hearts in there, lol.

I'm going to try to finish this one tonight and start the footprint one tomorrow.

No progress for me

The slip stitch pattern really eats up the yarn. I was only 12 rows into the bottom and used nearly a whole skein. I can't get more right now, haven't seen the color at elann.com in awhile. Plus, the edge stitches didn't match because I wasn't slipping the first stitch on WS rows with the yarn in the right place (pattern didn't specify and I didn't notice).

I've frogged and started over in the next smaller size. I think it was going to be too big anyway.

Great work so far, everyone!

divy- making progress

i cast on late last night, after the sick baby finally fell asleep. i had the lights pretty low, so as not to wake said sick baby, and let's just say i'm impressed that i managed to cast on at all, let alone without screwing it up.

i'm only about 5 rows in, but it looks like much more (thanks to the beauty of moebius knitting)

have i mentioned that i'm in love with this colour? because i'm really really in love with it.

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SM Yarn Whore Blog Admin: ATTN Please

Click Here For Link.

Can my profile be updated without losing the posts I've made here? I don't want my posts to be removed under 'Chamho' but 'Camo' is finally updated.

Cast on and knitting along

I cast on last night as the torch was bring lit (what, around 10?) and only knit until midnight and I am about ready to start the intarsia skulls. This pattern is flying!

This pattern is so easy, it is knit from the top down with decreasing designed for a flat bottom. The handles are an 8-stitch I-cord on size 13 needles! I'm pacing myself because I knit fast as it is, and in the round is cake, because this is supposed to be a "challenge" to finish in 16 days and I don't want to finish this weekend.

Crappy picture but my new camera isn't here yet and I had to use Dh's Iraqi special and lighten it to get *any* details out of the black yarn. You can kinda see what looks like ribbing, but it is stockinette on 13's with doubled up yarn.

I've decided that if I finish up too early, I'm going to use the dark charcoal Lamb's Pride Bulky to knit another one and put it in the auction. If anyone would bid on a skull tote bag in an autism auction, I don't know, but it will look funny as hell next to the Baby Einstein stuff I'm putting in! ::lmao::

Friday, February 10, 2006

Proud of my pretty picot

Okay, I'm not very far yet, so I should get back to work. I am just really digging this edging! I've never done it until now, and it is simple enough. The pattern says to knit 6 rows, do the yarn over row, then keep going and hem it up when done knitting the whole thing. Well I did a three needle join jobbie instead and I'm so proud! The less finishing I have to do the better I say! Not the most fabulous pics here, but you get the jist of it.

Just look at that perfect seam!

Casting on tonight as well

Although at the moment, it remains to be seen what!

I can't find the baby feet pattern I *know* I saw earlier this week. Hopefully, it will be on the history on my laptop at home. If I can't find it, I'll use the fallback basket weave. Or maybe BOR's duckie ;-)

I'm casting on tonight

Probably around 9 p.m. Now I'm getting all nervous that I won't be able to finish. *sigh*

I'm going to do the initial bag from one of the SnB books - it will be a gorgeous color of Cascade 220 called "Olympia" - sort of a greenish blue sea color. Verah nice. The initial and accents will be in a rose color of the same yarn. I hope it comes out well. I'm very nervous about the sewing together part and the putting in of the zipper because I can't sew.

Anyone with helpful sewing for the non-sewer tips would be very appreciated.

Look! I'm a serial poster!

So in terms of daily life, will it be business as usual? Or are you going to be cutting corners whenever possible?! You know what I mean! Take-out for the next week that the dh/so has to pick up, kids can wear the same clothes for a couple of days, the toilet will have to wait until the 27th to get cleaned (that's totally gross, just kidding!), and the dog can go for a walk by himself dammit!

For me, I'll be doing my same daily routine, I'll just be blogging a little less I suppose. And I'll be trying to wake up at 5 a.m. to get some good stitching in! I can't believe I have a trip out of town on the 19th, a small lecture on the 20th, and of course my spinning class tomorrow - ALL cutting into my precious KNITTING TIME!!!!

Have you started?

I haven't found anywhere showing Opening Ceremonies yet (haven't actually looked too hard) but it's past time in Torino.

And I've chosen my project--Cinxia finally won out.

My materials...
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That's my partial swatch OTN--I'm casting on in 3...2...1

Well, this sucks

Here it's just a few hours before cast on and I'm still undecided between two cardigans. I swatched for the one I originally decided to make. I don't like the yarn colors. What the hell was I thinking when I ordered this ugly ass crap?

Not only that but I just checked my gauge and it's way off. The main reason I decided on this cardi VS the other is the needles. The other needs #7 circs and my son's GF has my 24" Addis. I don't wanna use crappy Boye needles for the Knit Olympics.


OK, so back to the ugly color cardi. I don't have #10 Addis. But I have some #10 bamboo circs and I can handle that better than the Needlemasters. But my gauge is way off. Dammit. Unless I can get gauge with (too short, btw) #10.5 Addis, I'm left with the damn Boyes anyway.

**stomps off to swatch some more**

Go add yourself

To the map of Knitting Olympians! I saw this on Kat with a K's blog.

I'm probably the only one who doesn't know...

But when do they start?! I haven't been paying attention, I tried to do a little searching last night. The only thing I saw was the Torino page that said OC would begin at 8 pm. 8 pm Torino time? probably, duh. It's 6 am now for me (Utah time), and it is 2 pm in Torino. So 12 pm? I sure hope so, because that's right about The Baby's naptime :D Anyways, I'm all ready and rearin' to go! I made a small sample of my sweater just so I could do the picot edging and slip stitch the seams, and I think it worked out okay. I do have to get a crochet hook that is the right size while I'm out making valentines with the baby, but other than that and waiting for yarn, I'm set. I can't believe I will be missing out on some knitting time Saturday though, I have a drop spindle class (yay!), that lasts 3 hours. *Commence nail biting*

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Do you hate it?

I tried to make the blog kind of like Sybermom colors. Let me know if you hate it and I'll change it back!


Ok y'all, I am still undecided on what I want to knit for the Olympics. I'm not very fast(well in knitting anyway *snicker*) so it can't be too big. I thought about doing my very first pair of socks but I think I would end up stabbing someone in the eye with my needles by the time day 16 rolls around. Sooo, my darling teammates, I am turning to you for some advice and ideas. What say you oh wise Yarn Whores?

Can anyone else not wait?!

I am so excited!! I seriously cannot wait to get a cast-on going - am I a dork? Maybe, probably - LOL. I've gotta get my desk covered in stuff cleaned off today so I have a decent place to knit while surfing the coverage, Knitting Olympics coverage, of course! I'm really not that into the real Olympics, is that bad? Anyway, then I'm going to get all my stuff together so I'm completely ready. And then wait...

Is it Friday yet?!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Okay Sybermoms

ONE DAY LEFT before the Official Knitting Olympics begins!!!

Have you been swatching? Hoarding yarn? Studying your patterns? Anyone doing anything special or even anything at all to get ready??

I've decided!

I'm going with this pattern. It's my first knit hat, and I've really been wanting to do a felted hat. The counting/math is skeery for me, but so far I've managed to be able to actually read the pattern. ;)

I'll be using Knitpicks Wool of the Andes.

I am so excited!!!!

Camo's Project

I'll be attempting the Big Skull Tote from Hello Yarn.

It will be knit in Wool of the Andes and on size 13 circular needles.

Even thought I can knock out a Booga Bag in a day, this tote should take me a good while to do, as there is a skull on both sides AND the yarn is carried around the entire bag as I go. Intarsia is not my favorite but at least it is challenging.

On a side note, I backed up my template on my hard drive and I am glad I did, as I posted something to the blog this morning and it dumped my template again. ::pissed:: And now it won't upload the template again, it's just hanging. So, if you tried to access my blog, it will *hopefully* be back up soon.

Help me choose a yarn. I decided to do the Retro Rib socks. Here are my choices. The first is a Koigu KPPPM, it is actually more navy than the green shown in the picture. The second is CTH Supersock in Loden. The last is Lorna's Laces in Iris Garden. Here is my concern. Both the Koigu and the CTH are short on yardage according to the pattern. Has anyone made these socks? I know that you don't always use up a second ball of yarn, they just put that you have to buy two balls in the materials part of the pattern. I know that normally they are enough yarn to make me a pair of socks. Decisions, decisions. Posted by Picasa Posted by Picasa

Olympic Knitting Tips

Thought I'd post this in case you didn't see it on Stephanie's blog. She linked us to BeadLizard's blog for some helpful advice and tips. (Not that I will be knitting fast, just a lot!) Knit wisely, my friends!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Blue's Project

I was torn between a shawl and a hat, but I'm going for the hat. I still have no idea what pattern to use, and I've never knitted a hat. We'll see how it goes I guess.

boo's project

Hey everyone. I will be making a pair of socks. I am still trying to decide on a stitch pattern. It will most likely be something from Sensational Knitted Socks. I am also kicking around making the Retro Rib socks from the winter 2004 Interweave. I consider this a real challenge because I have a terrible case of "second sock syndrome." Maybe the push of declaring my sock making in public will get me over it.

Happy knitting!

Frick's project

Ok, I'm really blog stupid (as evidenced by my lack of posting to my own blog), but since I've decided on a project and bought the yarn today, I'll go ahead and post. I will be making the first shrug pictured here: pink shrug I will post a picture of the yarn when I figure out how to do that. I hope to swatch this evening. Knit on!

And I've figured out how to do the picture thing so here you go!

It's a 50/50 silk and wool yarn. I'd say it's a heavy worsted weight. I chose the color to match a dress I will be wearing for Easter and used the gift certificate that my wonderful brother* (LOVE YOU!!!) gave me for Christmas to pay for the yarn. He lives just down the street from a simply scrumptious LYS. I'm really glad to have had the gift certificate because I probably would not have gotten myself such a nice yarn if I had to pay for it myself!

*This is indeed the same brother for whom I spent many months knitting a garter stitch replica Dr. Who scarf that ended up to be nearly 20 feet long. See my blog for pictures.

divy's Olympic project

I am making the Cashmere Cowl from Cat Bordhi's site. Only it's not cashmere, because I am neither rich nor crazy. I know it looks like a small project, but the casting on alone should take me the better part of 3 days (okay maybe not, but maybe...) I also have two young children who demand a lot of attention (they constantly want to be fed, played with, etc. what's up with that?) and I am going to be out of town for a portion of the knitting time (not that I can't knit in the car) and I have to finish Tom Sawyer too. So I am just full of excuses ;)*

I bought a skein of Malagrigo merino in Azul Bolita (I absolutely adore the colour. I want to swim in it.) The great thing is that it is larger skein than the pattern calls for, so if I end up with a lot of time/yarn left over, I can maybe knock off a couple of wrist warmers to match.

I just finished winding the hank into a ball. My fingertips are stained a little blue, and I have this rough patch on one finger that is annoyingly snaggy. Must moisturise. Then, must swatch.

* I am a sarcastic person by nature. I can't help it. Lack of smilies here makes it almost impossible to get that across in writing, so just presume that, unless stated otherwise, my tongue is firmly planted in my cheek.

Guess I'll go first!

I'm going to attempt Jessica. I don't think it's been an uber popular pattern (?), but I think it is really cute, and can't think of anything else to do! I'm using Andean Silk in Hyacinth, Sangria, and Cream. I hope I have enough! I also hope it works out with just 3 colors. If not, I'm sure I have plenty of other yarn I can try to squeeze in and make it work. We'll see.

So I've only done 2 sweaters so far, in that sense it is a challenge. The biggest part of the challenge is actually being able to finish it in time. It's also got slip stitching, which I've no clue how to do. Good luck to me and all the SM Yarn Whores! Gonna go swatch NOW!

Important Message!

The deadline to apply for the Olympics is midnight tonight. If you haven't already, please email or leave a comment or email Stephanie ASAP.

If you guys all want to start a post with your project/pattern, feel free.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Sybermoms Roll Call

Hey everyone!

This is a blog to record our team's efforts for the 2006 Knitting Olympics.

Members, post a comment on this topic when you've got access.